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32/365- The secret to happy babies

February 3, 2011

Bailey had several rough days after her surgery. Crying all day and insisting on being held, even throughout the night. (which is the reason I got behind on my 365, taking pictures and posting) The ENT’s nurse said days 7-10 are the worst and we definitely found that to be true. In the hospital, they had given her Tylenol with Codeine once and it did absolutely nothing. So when the doctor gave us a prescription with our discharge papers, the nurse said that if it was her, she’d never get it filled since it didn’t work for Bailey. So we didn’t. Around day 7, we decided to try it again.

It worked! Bailey suddenly would feel good enough to get down and play for a few minutes throughout the day. I may have a new love of my life…well, for now anyway.

Pain meds

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